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photographer Remi Ochlik killed ;photo, Reuters

Anti government crack down continues in Syria earlier this week .Anti activists reports has revealed that 12 people have been killed and 100 injured on Tuesday when the government troops fired live bullets to unarmed civilians. The town of  Homs  has been under siege where most reports by the BBC suggests that there has been heavy artillery shelling of the city of Homs by the Syrian armed forces.

International community is watching closely on this issue
of human rights abuses by the Syrian government on its people

The killing of the two western journalists,on Wednesday has raised eyebrows from the entire world.The two were killed when a shell bomb hit their base where they were working.

This has proven that the Syrian government has no respect for the human rights,later on killing its own people.The Syrian government lashes on the media on an attempt to cover up its
injustices,typical of the dictatorship of the  government of Oma Asahid.

Marie Colvin killed,photo France 2

International community has said to be closely monitoring the situation at hand and there are possibilities of no fly zone or military intervention how ever Russia has stood on the way making it difficult to deal with the Syrian issue.

Syrian people will fight till there is an end to this ,look what happened to Libya.  If the freedom fighter get as much military support ,they will one day win and justice will prevail

Killing of journalists is totally un acceptable and the international community should act before more harm is done to humanity.



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